California Coastal Cleanup 2020 September 7, 2020 Email VOLUNTEERS are needed to clean up Napa County’s streets & creeks! EVERY SATURDAY IN SEPTEMBER, grab your family or housemates and clean up your street, park, local shoreline, or favorite happy place! Join thousands of Californians in cleaning up close to home this year. Adopt a spot and pick up the trash before it gets to the ocean! Here’s how we’re doing it this year to keep everyone safe: Don’t go out if you’re feeling sick Wear gloves Avoid gathering in groups and wear a mask Pick up trash with a picker if you have one Report your findings and contribute to an ongoing data set with the CleanSwell app Show us your trashy treasures by tagging us on social media! @NapaRCD | #CleanNapa | #TrashyTreasures | #CoastalCleanup2020 Find more details and get started at Contact [email protected] or 707-690-3117 with any additional questions.