Flood Preparedness

Purchase Flood Insurance on Your Property

Flood insurance is available for all structures whether they are in a mapped floodplain or not. Contact your insurance agent for more information or go to www.floodsmart.gov.

Flood Preparations

Property can be protected by sandbagging areas at risk of flooding. Sandbags and sand will be distributed free of charge to City residents and business owners on 1/5/19, 2/2/19 and 3/2/19 from 9am to 1pm at the City Corporation Yard at 770 Jackson Street. When a flood or flash flood watch is posted by the National Weather Service for the Napa River and/or its tributaries, the City provides sandbags free of charge at Memorial Stadium off of Menlo Avenue. If access to Memorial Stadium is unavailable, the alternative location would be the back parking lot at Napa Valley Language Academy (formerly Westwood School) on Freeway Drive.

To check the current status of watches and warnings log on to: www.cityofnapa.org or napa.onerain.com.

What Should You Do During a Flood?

  • Do not attempt to drive or wade through deep pockets of water or running washes
  • Seek shelter in the highest areas possible
  • Develop an evacuation plan for your family
  • Contact PG&E at 800-743-5000 to request that your power and natural gas be shut off
  • Tune-in to local commercial radio or television stations (KVYN – 99.3 FM, KVON – 1440 AM)
  • Avoid areas at risk of mudslides

Questions regarding emergency procedures may be addressed to the City of Napa EOC at (707) 258-7887.

Floodplain Information

To find out if your property is in the floodplain, contact Juan Zuniga at (707) 257-9520. For more information log on to: www.fema.gov or www.nixle.com.

For properties in Napa County call the Napa County Planning Department at (707) 253-4417.