Hazardous Waste Collection Facility For SAFE Disposal

The Hazardous Waste Collection Facility is for safe and legal disposal of UNUSABLE or UNWANTED hazardous products. Please remember to pack products carefully so they won’t mix or spill. Transport in trunk if possible. The facility accepts all types of hazardous waste except: Radioactives • Explosives • Ammunition.

For highway safety, there is a legal limit of 15 gallons or 125 pounds of hazardous waste per trip.

hhw facility

Open Every Friday & Saturday from 9AM – 4PM

Info valid as of March 20, 2020. Please note that facility operations could change due to the COVID-19 emergency – check naparecycling.com for up-to-date info.

HOUSEHOLDS: No appointment required / No charge Napa County & City of Vallejo households only

BUSINESSES: Napa & Solano County businesses that generate less than 220 lbs. or 27 gal. of hazardous waste per month may be eligible to use the “Conditionally Exempt Small Quantity Generator” program at the collection facility. There is a charge for this service. Call (800) 984-9661 for information & appointment.