Not everything can be recycled or composted, which is where landfill waste comes in. Here’s a guide on what belongs in the trash and how to dispose of items responsibly.

✅ What’s Accepted in the Landfill Bin?

  • Diapers: Disposable diapers.
  • Plastic Bags & Stretchy Plastics: Includes food wrappers.
  • Tanglers: Hoses, straps, ropes, textiles, and clothes hangers.
  • Plastic Cutlery: Forks, spoons, and knives made of plastic.
  • Ceramics & Glass: Includes mirrors and window glass.
  • Face Masks: Disposable masks only.
  • Styrofoam & Packing Peanuts: Non-recyclable materials.
  • Bubble Wrap & Plastic Shipping Envelopes: Not recyclable.
  • Latex Gloves: Dispose of used gloves here.
  • Straws: Plastic straws and similar items.
  • Pet Waste: Cat or dog waste.

đźš« What to Avoid in Landfill Waste?

  • Electronics: No electronics or household batteries.
  • Hazardous Waste: Paint, chemicals, and other toxic items.
  • Compostables & Recyclables: These belong in their respective bins.


No todo se puede reciclar o compostar, y esos objetos van a la basura. Sigue esta guía para saber qué tirar y cómo hacerlo de manera responsable.

✅ ¿Qué Va a la Basura?

  • Pañales: Desechables.
  • Bolsas Plásticas & Plásticos Estirables: Incluye envolturas de alimentos y productos.
  • Enredaderas: Mangueras, tiras, sogas, textiles y colgadores de ropa.
  • Cubiertos de Plástico: Tenedores, cucharas y cuchillos de plástico.
  • Vajilla & Cristales: Espejos y ventanas.
  • Mascarillas: Desechables solamente.
  • Guantes de Látex: Para guantes usados.
  • Popotes: Popotes de plástico y similares.
  • Desechos de Mascotas: Excremento de perros y gatos.

🚫 ¿Qué Evitar en la Basura?

  • ElectrĂłnicos: No tires aparatos electrĂłnicos ni pilas del hogar.
  • Materiales TĂłxicos: Pintura, quĂ­micos u objetos peligrosos.
  • Compostables & Reciclables: Deben ir a los contenedores correspondientes.

📱 When in Doubt, Find Out! / Si Tienes Dudas, Consulta

Check www.naparecycling.com for more information or scan the QR code below:

Let’s work together to keep non-recyclables and non-compostables where they belong—responsibly disposed of!