Residential monthly rates include weekly collection of solid waste, recyclable materials and co‐collected yard waste and food scraps. Residential rates include one solid waste cart of the selected size, up to two 95-gallon (or up to four 35‐gallon) carts for recyclable materials, and up to two (NRWS) or four (NCRWS) 95-gallon compost carts for yard waste/food scraps.  Additional compost carts are available for a small charge. These rates apply to single‐family residences, duplexes, triplexes and multifamily units that have individual weekly cart service for each unit.

View our rates for City of Napa (NRWS) customers (effective January 1, 2022).

View our rates for Napa County (NCRWS) customers (effective October 1, 2023).

Please see our Bill Pay page for information on how to pay your bill.

Special Discounts, Credits & Fines

Discount for Advance Payment: Residential customers with individual cart service receive a 5% discount for paying 12 months in advance of service. The credit is applied to your account once the payment is received and appears as a credit on your first statement after the payment is processed. The discount applies to the rates in effect at the time of the payment. If the current rate increases during the 12-month advance payment discount period, the residential customer is responsible for the net impact of any rate changes.

City of Napa Low Income Assistance RateShare Program (available to NRWS customers only): Is your household on a low/fixed income? Do you participate in the PG&E “CARE” program?  If so, City of Napa customers are eligible to receive a $10/month discount off your monthly bill.  To sign up, please email, fax (707-258-8165) or mail us a copy of your current PG&E bill.  More info can be found at

Insufficient Funds: Any payment returned to us for insufficient funds will be subjected to a bad debt fee not to exceed $25.00 per returned check or as adjusted periodically in the Master Fee Schedule adopted by the Napa City Council.

Vacation Credit Policy: Residential and Commercial customers are eligible for vacation credit one (1) time each calendar year. You must request a minimum of two (2) weeks of continuous stop of service. You must notify us at least one week before the vacation stop occurs. We will credit you for a vacation period of a minimum of two (2) weeks to a maximum of three (3) months. For any stop request that exceeds three (3) months, the contractor will arrange to pick up carts and will reinstate service upon notification.

Service Deposit Requirement to Start or Restart Service

Cart/Toter Service: $30.00 (residential) or $60.00 (commercial)

Drop Box Service: First box requires 100% payment in advance, subsequent boxes require 50% of service fee. A credit card # can be provided in lieu of payment.

Bin Service: 50% of service fee

Please call us at (707) 255-5200 to discuss any questions or the amount of deposit that will be required for your specific account.