We’ve Got CASP!

CASP PipesHow great is that? CASP (covered aerated static pile) is a composting system that we put in place to efficiently create better compost in less time. Those food scraps, yard trimmings and leaves come in handy at our facility!

CASP System

This is a “closed” system that reduces air emissions such as odor and gases, and doesn’t allow runoff to contaminate waterways.

CASP Piles

The proper mix of air, water, heat and special filters not only kills any weed seeds or pathogens, but also creates a great compost!


The CASP system allows for growth! We encourage everyone to compost their food scraps, food-soiled paper, yard trimmings and leaves, we have the ability to take it all!

We turn your kitchen and yard trimmings turn into great compost that is returned to the earth as a valuable soil amendment used throughout our community… not buried in a landfill, giving off harmful greenhouse gases, with no opportunity to become useful again!

Remember that plastics, metal and glass are never compostable …we need your help to keep our compost clean.