What’s the Big Deal About Fruit and Veggie Stickers?! September 7, 2020 Email Stickers on fruits and veggies may be small, but they can have a big impact! Stickers down the drain = Problems in the wastewater treatment system! Stickers in the compost bin = Plastic in the compost used to grow food! How can you help? • Remove stickers from your produce when you first get home from the store so you don’t forget! • Shop at a farm stand or the Napa Farmers Market where they don’t use produce stickers. • Reuse them to create a work of art! • Don’t want to create art? Stickers go in the landfill cart! Calling all sticker artists! Use produce stickers and any other materials you like to create a work of art! Share your creation with us to get a prize and have your work displayed on our Facebook pages! Learn more at: www.napasan.com/produce-sticker-art or www.naparecycling.com/produce-sticker-art