Recycle More Clothing January 28, 2023 Email Nearly 100% of clothing, apparel and shoes are reusable or recyclable. Yet, Americans only reuse or recycle 15% of consumer-used clothing and shoes. The rest — over 15 million tons a year — goes to landfills. What to do? Call Recycle More! What is accepted: All clothing All other textiles, including towels, linens & bedding Shoes and Belts Purses, Handbags and Backpacks Holes, tears and stains are OK. All items must be dry and bagged in a tied plastic bag. Wet items cannot be accepted. Our minimum for pickup is at least a full kitchen-size bag. Visit or call 707-255-5200 to make your appointment! Please don’t put clothing, apparel or shoes in the blue recycling cart, since they tangle in our machinery and cannot be sorted for recycling.